Bennett wallabie(© Helma van Dijk)

Bennett wallaby (© Helma van Dijk)


Good nutrition:

Always plenty of fresh water. Remember that there is additional need in the hot summer to fresh drinking water. An average Wallaby drinks about 1 litre of water per animal a day.

Give the animals a good chunk kangaroo, there a good brands of special kangaroo pellets with balanced vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

There are several manufacturers that make special kangaroo pellets, but they are certainly not all of the same necessary quality. Special attention is needed to the rate for a high enough level of Vitamin E and Selenium. Vitamin E and Selenium, in combination, is known to play an important role in the maintenance of muscle volume and its construction. As an antioxidant, Vitamin E also provides an important contribution in the muscle metabolism, in particular in the exhaust of combustion products in the cell.

A lack of vitamin E (tocopherol) which, may or may not be accompanied by a lack of selenium, caused degenerative muscle and vascular lesions. Vitamin E deficiency can result in different animal species to muscular dystrophy (for example ‘white muscle disease’).

• Both in summer and winter fresh hay of good quality is essential.

Roughage is necessary for proper digestion. Feed materials can be divided into two categories: concentrate and roughage.

Forages are feed with a minimum fibre length of 8 mm. This fibre length of eight mm is necessary for a good gastro-intestinal function. Fibbers are broken down in the Cecum and Colon and also stimulate bowel movements. Good bowel movements are necessary in order to mix the feed in the intestine with the intestinal juices and thus for an optimal digestion and transport of the food slurry. Roughage feeds for kangaroos are grass, hay, Lucerne/alfalfa and thus forages. Other feed fall automatically under the category of concentrates. The energy content in itself is not a criterion for distinguishing between roughage and concentrates. With this definition, it may be that for example grass in the pasture and roughage hot kiln dried, finely chopped grass is compressed to a pellet has become a concentrate. There are many combinations of feed possible for a well-balanced ration. It is important that Kangaroos and Wallabies can have the disposal of forages throughout the whole year. Besides grass, hay must also have good quality. Also, alfalfa hay is a good roughage they like to eat.

Branches willow (even possibly is fruit tree wood)

Willow contains the substance acetylsalicylic acid. This is the active substance in Aspirin and has a fever and pain relieving effect. However, the amount of acetylsalicylic acid in willow is so low that it has absolutely no effect on the animal. Kangaroos/wallabies are fond of willow wood, it is also very healthy. Branches to chew on also contribute to the prevention of ‘Lumpy Jaw’ (jaw inflammation).

Ensure good pasture with plenty of grass. A typical meadow mixture is fine. Even better is a somewhat tougher type of grass. Lawn grasses are not suitable and not designed for consumption by animals. The animals love Dandelions, which are also very suitable for the animals. Dandelions are also used as a medicinal herb, because of the beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys, used to detoxify the body. Furthermore, the plant contains the substances such as Vitamins C, D, E, various B Vitamins, Choline, Carotenes, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Iron, Copper, Zinc and Calcium.

• Minerals Block (Lick blocks for cows or horses)

• Carrots (source of Beta-Carotene).

Beta-Carotene can be converted in the body into Vitamin A. Vitamin A is, among other things, necessary for the proper functioning of the eyes, in particular for the adaptation of the eyes to the darkness.



Albino Bennett (© Helma van Dijk)

Albino Bennett (© Helma van Dijk)


Beta-Carotene is also an antioxidant: it protects the cells in the body against free radicals. Also it plays a role in resistance to infections and parasitic infections.

Lucerne or Alfalfa: Lucerne Hay bales (of course dried) are preferred.

Lucerne hay is a protein roughage. Alfalfa is grown by farmers on heavy calcareous clay. Because alfalfa may have a taproot of three meters it may also be from this depth fetch food. Alfalfa is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It is a protein-rich product with a high accuracy, a high structure value and a good digestibility of organic matter. That makes alfalfa a very healthy product. The coarse structure of alfalfa guarantees optimum gastrointestinal function.

Beware: alfalfa in plastic bags is not appropriate. This often sit except molasses also straw and other materials. Molasses is a syrup/sugar-like substance which is not good for the animals.

Possibly extra:

Chicory and Endive

Sweet potato

Give the animals never:

Vegetables such as cabbage

Timber species with high tannin content like for example Oak, Beech etc. Tannic acid = Tannin. If Tannin in large quantities is absorbed can cause damage to the liver cells.

Bread, because of the risk of ‘Lumpy Jaw’ (jaw inflammation). Certainly not in large quantities. The regular feeding of bread is also associated with the co-causing ‘Lumpy jaw’. While it is still not proven beyond doubt, but there are serious indications do it.

In any case, never just fruit or vegetables where one is not sure whether this is suitable for the animals.